
The design before the development.


Internal and external projects


Is logoraphy the art of logo making?


Making decisions can be hard for clients.


The who, what, when, where, and why questions.

My Story

Technology has always fascinated me. Having a father who was an electrician, I was always around electronics. My parents bought me my first computer when I was 17 years old. My only computer before that was a Tandy 2000. I bought an HTML book because I was curious about how things were built. Learning coding started with Angelfire and Geocities. Back then, computer science was still so undeveloped that nobody knew what to call it. My college career ended when I dropped out. During that time, I worked in a factory, drove a truck, and worked in the oilfield. A dip in the oilfield led me to a job as an eCommerce manager. Being a quick learner and a diligent student is a blessing to me. I have had significant success in marketing and website management over the past 7 years. As a result, I decided to pursue a degree in design and development. Through two semesters at Texas State Technical College, I hold a 4.0-grade point average. Having completed both semesters early, working a full time job, and having 5 children and 1 grandson. It is an absolute joy to be able to do what I love for a living!